Cloud storage: Implications of the PoPI Act

By Press Release 10 November 2016

More and more companies are moving their data to the cloud, as well as government agencies and institutions. But what does this mean for data sensitivity and customer protection? FULL STORY >


Apple rolls out 2 TB iCloud storage offer at R299 a month

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 31 August 2016

This latest development has some believing the upcoming iPhone will feature a 256 GB onboard storage variant. FULL STORY >


New Year – New Innovations: EMC introducing ECS 2.2

By Staff Writer 28 January 2016

EMC Corporation has announced the availability of the newest version of ECS (EMC Elastic Cloud Storage), v2.2. With the industry’s most complete suite of software-defined storage (SDS) solutions, EMC is firmly committed to helping... FULL STORY >


Microsoft plans to increase OneDrive's free storage capacity for all users

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 24 June 2014

Microsoft has announced its plan to increase the free storage capacity available to all OneDrive users, offering 15 GB to non-subscribers, and 1 TB to Office 365 subscribers. FULL STORY >


WD My Cloud EX2 NAS launched

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 10 March 2014

WD has expanded its commercial consumer personal cloud solutions with the My Cloud EX2, a high-performance two-bay network attached storage (NAS) system. FULL STORY >


Windows 8 - 100 million licenses sold

By Hanleigh Daniels 9 May 2013

Microsoft surpasses two milestone for its products, namely the 100 million licenses sold mark with Windows 8 and 250 million user mark for SkyDrive. FULL STORY >


New IM platform just.me launched

By Hanleigh Daniels 22 April 2013

A new mobile messaging platform launches for iOS mobile devices, offering texting, multimedia sharing services, email and cloud storage. FULL STORY >


SkyDrive receives a revamp, new Android app incoming

By Ryan Noik 17 August 2012

Microsoft has turned its attentions to giving its cloud storage solution, SkyDrive, a fresh makeover, along with some new and welcome features. FULL STORY >

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